Overalls on the Senate Floor: A True Crime

This past month Missouri senator Mike Moon was punished for wearing overalls on the senate floor. While this might not seem like a true fashion issue, it really is. Before we get into the fashion, Moon is not one to shy away from controversy. In the past he videotaped himself gutting a chicken to prove a political point, and filibustered to stop administrative tasks from moving forward. Mike Moon in his Overall "Suit" So let's look at the fashion. This past month Moon wore overalls while in a heated debate within the Republican caucus over rezoning. While there is no formal rule related to dress code, it is expected that senators dress professionally, and apparently overalls don't fit the bill. As a punishment he was removed from a number of committees, which are used to influence legislation, until he apologizes for what he did. Moon's response was that he did not violate any rule, and that removing him from the committees was more than just limiting one voice, ...